
Cookie Policy


We, as well as third parties that provide content, advertising, or other functionality on our Platform, Application or Services, as applicable, may use cookies, pixel tags, local storage, and other technologies (“Cookies”) to automatically collect information through the Platform, Application or Services. We use Cookies that are essentially small data files placed on your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or other devices (referred to collectively as a “device”) that allow us to record certain pieces of information whenever you visit or interact with our Platform, Application or Services, and to recognize you across devices, customize our Platform, Application and Services, content, and advertising; measure promotional effectiveness; mitigate risk and prevent fraud; and to promote trust and safety across our Platforms, Application and Services.

Cookies can be placed on your device by the Platform operator such as Reaction, when you visit our Platform, or when using the Application, such Cookies constitute – “first party” Cookies, or by a party other than Reaction, in which case the Cookies will constitute – “third party” Cookies.

Cookies can be differentiated by their time of use:

Session Cookies” are Cookies that exists between the time you visit a Platform or use the Application and the time you ended the particular browsing session. Session Cookies expire and are automatically deleted when you close your internet browser.

Persistent Cookies” are Cookies that stay on your device – they do not expire and are not automatically deleted when you close your browser. The length of time Persistent Cookies stay on your device varies from Cookie to Cookie.

Pixel Tags/Web beacons”, A pixel tag (also known as a web beacon) is a piece of code embedded on the Platform that collects information about users’ engagement on that web page. The use of a pixel allows us to record, for example, that a user has visited a particular web page or clicked on a particular advertisement, if applicable.

If you wish to disable or block the Cookies available on the Platform, Application or Services, you will have to change the settings in your browser and follow the necessary instructions to disable receipt of Cookies, however, please be aware that such blocking may prevent us from providing you parts or all of the features or Services to you. For additional information about Cookies you may refer to this site:https://www.allaboutcookies.org

If you wish not to receive Cookies from us, with the exception of technical Cookies, you may notify us by following the instructions for opting out of such Cookies on our Platforms or sending us an email to: DPO@reaction-club.com. If you are accessing our Platform from the EEA, we will not use third party Cookies and persistent Cookies without your prior consent. If you have any questions about how we use Cookies not answered in this Privacy Policy, you may contact us by sending us an email to: DPO@reaction-club.com.

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