
manage, control, and evaluate vendors

wellness vendors management solution

From contract to payment

One-Stop Solution

Find and book onsite and virtual wellness activities through our marketplace. Integrate existing vendors and allow them to post their activities on your app


One app tab for all your company events. When you connect a vendor they can post their activity to your app, so employees can immediately get notified and register.


Employees have a question? they can ask the vendor directly from the app. You won’t need to create a Zoom link or attendance report because the app does it all for you.


All the live sessions are recorded to the app and available to employees. Employees can rate their experience anonymously, so you'll know what they feel about the activity.

Wellness activities

Simple and clear pricing

The vendors outline their pricing on the Reaction platform. Reaction charges 7.5% from the vendor and 7.5% to the Company. No hidden fees, no small print.

Easy Payments

Reaction takes care of the legal side, protecting your employees’ data and payments. At the end of each month, you’ll receive one invoice with all the services you selected. We will do the rest.


We do the screening and make sure the vendors have the required qualifications and insurance.

Want to learn more?

Manage wellness vendors

Invite members to join Amdocs BeHealthy global app by Reaction

Click on this link from a mobile device or scan the QR with the phone's camera
